Importance of Early Childhood and Family Literacy

A classic public service ad showed a man holding an egg and saying, “This is your brain,” and then dropping its contents into a sizzling frying pan and saying, “This is your brain on drugs.”

Today, it may be time to come up with an image for an even more damaging social time bomb: “This is your brain on poverty.”

Click here to read full article Growing up poor can affect brain development Pitt Study Article

Declining Fortunes of Children in Middle-Class Families

Declining Prospects for Middle Class Kids Will Be Worsened by Budget Cuts

NEW YORK, NY – America’s middle-class children have been steadily falling further behind their more privileged peers for the past quarter century – but the worst of the fallout has been held in check by essential policies and programs that could be unraveled, depending on key budget decisions, according to a new study released by the Foundation for Child Development. These findings arrive in advance of President Obama’s February 14 budget announcement — and what is likely to be a charged debate in Congress that will determine the future of these programs against other priorities.

Legislative Update April 15th, 2011

Click here for the legislative update:

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